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Новые группы послушания начнутся с 24 августа 2024г.,
запись с 10 августа. Занятия будут проходить в
Южном Хапиловском сквере (м.Семеновская, м.Преображенская площадь)

  •  Воспитательная дрессировка — для щенков 3-6 месяцев
  • ОКД Общий курс дрессировки — для собак от 6 месяцев
    Стоимость любого курса 13500р. за 10 занятий.
    Информация и запись у инструктора Телефон/WhatsApp: +79057309505 Ася

Индивидуальные занятия, по всем направлениям, возможны  в наших Кинологических центрах (Парк Измайлово и зал — по Новорижскому шоссе), с выездом к Вам или дистанционно ОНЛАЙН. Телефон/WhatsApp +79057309505 , +79851069133

ПРАЙС на занятия и передержку

Таргеты для дрессировки собак. По вопросам приобретения и правильного использования обращайтесь в Ученый Пес +79851069133 (вотсапп, телеграмм)

Наш клуб


Какому человеку не хочется иметь питомца, идеально подходящего именно для его условий жизни, требований, привычек и капризов, да к тому же еще и воплощающего в себе его эстетические представления о том, каким должен быть настоящий пёс? Однако, ни один, даже самый гениальный и великолепный щенок не вырастет сам по себе в умного пса. И каждому владельцу придется приложить немало сил, чтобы получить четвероного друга своей мечты

О нас 
Фонд развития кинологических видов спорта «Ученый Пес» создан в 2004 году Ильиной Полиной Сергеевной. Сейчас «Ученый Пес» объединяет в себе инструкторов и спортсменов разных кинологических направлений, искренне увлекающихся и любящих свою деятельность. Групповые занятия проходят на базе КЦ «Измайлово», индивидуальные по всей Москве и Подмосковью. Адекватные и современные методы дрессировки, мы НЕ используем электрические и строгие ошейники.

Кому можно заниматься?

Всем! Абсолютно всем! Независимо от того, какая у Вас собака, служебная или охотничья, декоративная или вовсе метис, щенок или взрослая. Любая собака обучается, а следовательно ее можно дрессировать. Не бывет «недрессируемых» пород.
Какой курс выбрать? с чего начать?
Щенкам мы рекомендуем начать с базового курса Воспитательная дрессировка (ВД), собакам постарше и взрослым, подойдет Общий курс дрессировки (ОКД). Если у Вас нет возможности посещать групповые занятия на площадке или вы считаете, что для вашего любимца необходим специальный подход, то можно заниматься индивидуально (ИД).
Если Вам интересен спорт с собакой, то приглашаем на занятия по Танцам с собаками, Аджилити, Фризби и Обидиенс, инструкторы неоднократные призеры соревнования России и Европы.

Добро пожаловать!: 1 комментарий

  1. Привет! Это комментарий.
    Чтобы начать модерировать, редактировать и удалять комментарии, перейдите на экран «Комментарии» в консоли.
    Аватары авторов комментариев загружаются с сервиса Gravatar.

  2. Ваш комментарий ожидает одобрения. Это его предварительный просмотр, комментарий станет видимым для всех после одобрения.

    Firstly, you call a valid driver’s license. In most cases, you must take held it for at least one (1) year. You also necessity a acknowledgement (or debit, where accepted) index card to compensate for the rental and take one’s leave of a lay and the voucher received after your booking is confirmed.
    When renting in a imported native land, you time again essential another type of identification, usually a passport.
    At what years can I hire a car?
    This depends on where you would like to farm out a car. In spite of you can charter out a auto at the age of 18 in innumerable European countries and the states of Additional York and Michigan in the Of one mind States, in many locations you must be 21 to lease a car. You can conveniently restrain this via entering your period more willingly than clicking Search now.
    Note that most rental suppliers burden an additional Progeny Driver Bill for renters under the age of 25, though this majority varies alongside supplier and location. If you pass into your age in the forefront searching, we comprise this fee in the total, allowing instead of the simplest comparison.
    What should I look for when choosing a rental supplier?
    There are two things you should eat car company to determine which supplier to rent from — reviews and the Rental Conditions.
    We аск every fellow to anyway their rental common sense after they fall off far-off the car and parade their ratings when you search for a car. If you scantiness to be established you get significant service, look pro the Tiptop Wheels Rental Utilization badge which we award to the cut off three suppliers in each laying with an common rating of 8 or higher.
    You should also check the Rental Conditions to make sure the rental supplier you determine works most desirable by reason of your requirements.
    Can I rent a pile without a credit card?
    Granted just a hardly years ago it was out of the question to rent a motor without a ascription visiting-card, things enjoy changed quickly. Numberless suppliers, uncommonly global companies such as Avis, Dollar, Hertz, и так далее, suffer renters to both hit and leave a place with a debit card (although the card must be a Mastercard or Visa).
    If you do not acquire a dependability card, be undeviating to check the Payment Policy apportion of the Rental Conditions previously to to booking to witness if the supplier accepts debit cards.

  3. Ваш комментарий ожидает одобрения. Это его предварительный просмотр, комментарий станет видимым для всех после одобрения.

    Firstly, you have need of a valid driver’s license. In most cases, you requisite hold held it pro at least whole (1) year. You also need a probity (or debit, where accepted) card to deliver for the rental and leave a alluvium and the voucher received after your booking is confirmed.
    When renting in a transatlantic native land, you often distress another manifestation of authentication, normally a passport.
    At what time eon can I lease a car?
    This depends on where you would like to hire a car. Though you can slit a crate at the stage of 18 in myriad European countries and the states of Late York and Michigan in the United States, in many locations you have to be 21 to lease a car. You can conveniently repression this beside entering your discretion before clicking Search now.
    Note that most rental suppliers supervision an additional Young Driver Remuneration against renters under the age of 25, yet this years varies during supplier and location. If you be a party to your age before searching, we categorize this damages in the aggregate, allowing in spite of the simplest comparison.
    What should I look recompense when choosing a rental supplier?
    There are two things you should abuse http://optionshare.tw/home.php?mod=space&uid=405869 to settle which supplier to rental from — reviews and the Rental Conditions.
    We ask every fellow to place their rental experience after they drop-off far-off the car and certify their ratings when you search on a car. If you lack to be effective you get extensive service, look pro the Tiptop Crate Rental Utilization badge which we apportion to the excel three suppliers in each location with an common rating of 8 or higher.
    You should also check the Rental Conditions to storm sure the rental supplier you choose works best in return your requirements.
    Can I split a transport without a dependability card?
    However justifiable a infrequent years ago it was unworkable to fee a car without a ascription card, things have changed quickly. Many suppliers, uniquely extensive companies such as Avis, Dollar, Hertz, и так далее, suffer renters to both recompense and beat it a deposit with a debit credit card (although the easter card must be a Mastercard or Visa).
    If you do not acquire a credit card, be undeviating to research the Payment Design element of the Rental Conditions previously to to booking to witness if the supplier accepts debit cards.

  4. Ваш комментарий ожидает одобрения. Это его предварительный просмотр, комментарий станет видимым для всех после одобрения.

    Firstly, you need a valid driver’s license. In most cases, you must take held it for at least the same (1) year. You also need a credit (or debit, where accepted) postal card to compensate for the treatment of the rental and give up a deposit and the voucher received after your booking is confirmed.
    When renting in a imported native land, you again need another manifestation of authentication, large a passport.
    At what time eon can I lease a car?
    This depends on where you would like to rent a car. Conceding that you can rent a transport at the time of 18 in many European countries and the states of Late York and Michigan in the Of one mind States, in divers locations you must be 21 to charter out a car. You can conveniently check this aside entering your majority ahead of clicking Search now.
    Note that most rental suppliers burden an additional Puerile Driver Bill for renters under the adulthood of 25, yet this maturity varies alongside supplier and location. If you pass into your majority before searching, we comprise this honorarium in the total, allowing in spite of the simplest comparison.
    What should I look for when choosing a rental supplier?
    There are two things you should use http://www.kiopro.ru/support/forum/view_profile.php?UID=60520 to determine which supplier to rental from — reviews and the Rental Conditions.
    We ask every consumer to rating their rental occurrence after they fall off far-off the machine and parade their ratings when you search as regards a car. If you hankering to be confident you receive extensive post, look for the With the exception of Car Rental Utilization badge which we apportion to the top three suppliers in each location with an normal rating of 8 or higher.
    You should also check a depart the Rental Conditions to make certain the rental supplier you on works beat since your requirements.
    Can I rent a car without a credit card?
    Granted just a few years ago it was out of the question to rent a motor without a credit card, things have changed quickly. Divers suppliers, uncommonly extensive companies such as Avis, Dollar, Hertz, etc., add renters to both hit and refrain from a accumulation with a debit easter card (but the membership card necessity be a Mastercard or Visa).
    If you do not organize a acclaim card, be sure to check the Payment Strategy element of the Rental Conditions prior to booking to get a load of if the supplier accepts debit cards.

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